Thursday, February 27, 2014

Love Yourself

Every day I speak with women who tell me they hate how they look.  They hate the rolls of fat on their stomach.  Because of self-hate they do what I like to call self-flogging, they go on strict diets and extreme exercise routines.  The end result is always a feeding frenzy in front of the refrigerator.  

I lived like that for years.  A bad day at work, a relationship ending, feeling stuck, and even celebrating good news – a food frenzy always followed.  I never felt better afterwards.  Food did not make a bad day better or enhance a celebration.  It lead to feelings of guilt and more self-punishment.  I was never able to change my weight because I was doing it out of self-hatred rather than self-love.  I hated me so I had to change me.  

Think of it like this how often do you cooperate with someone who disrespects you or puts you down? I never have. I fight back, I rebel.  It’s human nature.  When you do that to yourself why would the results be any different?   

It wasn’t until I loved myself that I wanted to stop hurting myself.  The way I ate hurt me.  It hurt me emotionally and physically.  After a binge I would look for a way to “fix it” another diet.  Diets don’t work because they take away our ability to trust are own judgment, that is another form of self-punishment. 

Once you take the first step to self-love you will stop wanting to hurt yourself.  You will look for ways to “take care” of you, not “hurt” you.  I tell women to make a list of non-food things they really enjoy.  Next time they feel they need to have a food frenzy – pick an activity on the list.  Really notice how they feel doing that rather than eating afterward.

Before you start the next extreme diet really at how you view yourself.  What are your beliefs are about yourself? You are a wonderful creature who deserves all things magnificent – especially love.  Love is the greatest miracle cure.  Loving ourselves works miracles in our life. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Attitude of Gratitude and Stress

Attitude of Gratitude and Stress
Like everyone else in this world I have experienced stressful times in my life.  Lately, I have been dealing with chronic stress that has affected my physical health, my emotional well-being, and started to bleed into activities that used to bring me joy. 
I firmly believe we are not in this world for a short time to be miserable.  Nor did God put us on this planet to suffer through our day at work.  With that in mind I started to think what I could do for myself to shift from “miserable” about an ongoing situation to “happy” and balancing myself out.  I did a lot of research because I know what will benefit me will benefit the wonderful women I work with. 
Did you know that studies show that this one thing can make you 25% happier? It boosts your immunity to anger, disappointment, and frustration.
It's even been shown to heal pain and illness in your body. It can certainly heal relationships, especially with your beautiful and miraculous body.
That one thing is GRATITUDE, and amazing things happen when you integrate it into your meditation practice.

Here's a fun exercise to try:
1. As you sit down to meditate, breathe in deeply and imagine your heart filling up with glowing, green light. Allow this energy to pulse and radiate to light you from within. As you deepen into the glowing, green energy in the center of your chest, begin to give thanks for your life. Give thanks for anything that pops into your head.  No filter, just give thanks for it and show it appreciation. 

2. Think about five things to be grateful for on this day. See these events as pictures. It may be the way your dog greets you or that nice person that let you have the parking space in the crowded lot. It could even be seeing the birds fly to their nests as darkness comes. Just let the images flow in and notice the feelings they give. If an unwanted image pops in, let it pass like a random car on the road. If it is important, you can think on it later.

3. Now, see the people behind the images you are grateful for and express thanks to each of them.

4. Remind yourself that whatever you focus on expands. When you focus on gratitude and positivity, you will get more of that in return.

What you appreciate, appreciates. 

Be mindful that you will attract more abundance, love, and health by being grateful for your current state in these areas. Your body, your health, and your relationships can only be improved by honoring where they are in this moment.  

Friday, February 21, 2014

How Your Gut Affects Your Mood

Have a bad day at work?  Someone make you mad?  You grab a candy bar to lift your mood.  You might want to rethink that. 

Your gut, aka "inside your belly", has been proven to be your bodies literal "second brain". For years, the medical world has been trying to figure out what causes our moods to change and what causes common problems that most of us face like stress, anxiety, and even depression. These are common problems, and we know they are linked to serotonin, but did you know that 95% of serotonin isn't even produced in the brain? Serotonin is actually produced in the gut.
What we put inside of our bellies is directly related to our emotional health. Our gut consists of bacteria and we need that bacteria to have a healthy balance or the rest of us will not be balanced including our mood. Your gut and your brain work together, so if one is out of balance the other will be also. Have you ever had an upset stomach because your mind was stressed? Well, think about it, if it works one way it works both ways. There have been many scientific studies that have linked mood problems to gut problems and vice versa.
Is your gut balanced with 85% good bacteria and 15% bad bacteria? That is the recipe for a healthy gut and a healthy mood. The best way to make sure your body has healthy bacteria for your gut is to feed your gut healthy bacteria. Some symptoms of an unhealthy gut include gas, bloating, nausea, sugar cravings, and more. The best way to make sure that your gut is getting the healthy nourishment it needs is through probiotics. Probiotics can be in pill form, or you can get them right through your diet. Excellent sources of probiotics include kefir and fermented or cultured foods and beverages.

Keeping a healthy gut in check will help you to digest food properly, absorb vital nutrients, and maintain a healthy state of mind aka your mood.

Something to think about next time you reach for chips and ice cream to lift your mood. 

Food & Mood

I have always said, "How I feel tomorrow is a direct result of what I eat today".  
Did you know that food has vibrations that allow it to create change in our bodies on a cellular level?  Food that is alive and from the earth will energize and invigorate you, while processed, pre-packaged, dead food will leave you feeling lethargic and uninspired, like a light that has fizzled out.  Makes sense doesn’t it?

Dark green leafy vegetables are full of chlorophyll, which is basically liquid sunshine. It is the substance in plants that allows them to absorb light from the sun and convert it into usable energy.  When we consume raw dark green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, and Swiss chard, we fill our body with the equivalent of the plant’s life blood – the very thing that allows a seed to flourish and take form.

Chemically, the blood of the plant, chlorophyll, is very similar to our blood and, when consumed, it helps us to oxygenate and breathe life into every cell.  Pretty cool, huh? Chlorophyll is also extremely cleansing and detoxifying.

Here are some other high vibrational foods for you to try:

  1. Tree Fruits – try apples, pears, bananas, coconuts, avocados, nectarines, peaches, plums, apricots, oranges, lemons, limes, mangos, pomegranates, blueberries, cherries, and olives.

  1. Non-green veggies

  1. Raw Cacao – chocolate in its pure form has over 1,200 phytonutrients. It contains nutrients like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and manganese.  It also contains phenylethylamine, which are the feel good characteristics, and theobromine which dilates the cardiovascular system to allow all the benefits to come in.

  1. Goji Berries – packed with antioxidants, which can help minimize free radical damage to our cells.

  1. Cultured and Fermented Foods –a great source of probiotics, which will help your digestion stay on track.

I firmly believe in the old saying, “You are what you eat.”  Junk in = feeling like junk, and rich, living, nutrient-dense food = much happier body and mind.  Don’t just take my word for it.  We’ve all tried the junk in, junk out experiment, so don’t you think it’s time to rock your body and mind with some fresh and fabulous food? By eating food that vibrates at a higher frequency, we increase our life-force energy and feel more radiant inside and out.

The Importance of a Wellness Coach!

Why a Wellness Coach?

When someone asks me what I do for a living, I always respond, “I am a wellness coach”.  This inevitably leads to the question what is a wellness coach?  What exactly do you do for people?  My answer is simple.  I empower people to reach their goals to become healthy and happy.  The answer is simple.  The process takes work.  
We are getting sicker and spending billions of dollars to harm ourselves.  If we continue on this path our children will have a shorter life span than we do.  

Some of the reasons for this are:
  • Life on the go - too busy to slow down and care for ourselves 
  • Stress
  • Turning to prepackaged, processed foods for convenience (the labels falsely claim they are healthy)
  • Lack of Exercise
How a Wellness Coach Can Help You:
  • Wellness Coaches are Certified and Professionally trained to assist you in making the best choices for your health and happiness.
  •  Trained in over 100 dietary theories, Wellness Coaches base their work on bio-individuality to find what works best for your unique body.
  • Accountability is the key to your success
  • Having someone who has "been there, done that" to assist you on your journey creates partnership for success.  
 Some benefits of working with a Wellness Coach:
  • Improved Self-Esteem
  • Improved Confidence
  • Healthier Relationships
  • Reduce Stress
  • Optimal Health
  • Increase Energy
  • Balanced Life
  • Weight Loss (because you are more balanced)